A finance check is an essential step within the building process. It helps you to work out how much you can actually afford, and what monthly repayments you can fit within your budget (comfortably).
Of course you can always start chatting to builders before your finance check but it could be a waste of time if you have no idea what you can truly afford… There’s no point looking at all the added extras (skylights and survery windows) if it’s completely out of your budget – we wouldn’t want you to feel disappointed at the start of your building journey!
A finance check runs through your current debts, expenses (yes, including afterpay), income and assets – I know it sounds super scary, but I promise it’s not.
This is the exciting stage where you find out if you are eligible. Don’t worry if you’re not eligible now, we’ll help you with an action plan to get there.
Want us to help you crunch the numbers? Send us an email at jaimi@bossbuildingbrokers.com.au and our internal finance team will help you check your eligibility for a home loan and give you an idea of your build budget. With over 20 banks and lenders, we’ll find the product that’s right for you!
**ABOVE & BEYOND** Jaimi OFFERS AN EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE in assisting with ALL things related to building, from START to FINISH.
Jaimi of Boss Building Brokers was recommended and tagged to a question I posted online. Jaimi offered to assist with all aspects of building from finding the perfect block, assisting with finance brokers, liaising with real estate agents, land settlement, choosing the perfect builder to suit your personal needs, helping with ALL questions and processes involved, assisting with the design of the home with a designers input, prestart preparation, prestart attendance and the list is still growing as we go further along our journey of building a custom built home. jaimi makes herself readily available for those of us who do not work the usual 9 to 5 job. I cannot speak highly enough of the service that Jaimi has provided to our family in the building of what we hope to be our dream come to fruition.